Australian Artist
Home - In the Highlands - Milk Factory Gallery, Bowral - 2019
Nature's Palette - South Hill Gallery, Goulburn - 2014
Through Different Eyes - Depot II Gallery, Danks Street, Waterloo - 2012
Expressions of Inner Feelings - Lighthorse Gallery, Robertson - 2011
Bowral Art Gallery
Bowral District Art Society
Bowral Hospice Shop
Burrawang Fair
Depot II Gallery, Danks Street, Waterloo
Ewart Gallery - Willoughby Art Centre
Finks Gallery – Waverton
Goulburn Regional Art Gallery - Bakers Dozen Exhibition
Hornsby Art Society
Ku-ring-gai Art Society
Ku-ring-gai Communtiy Art Centre
Light Horse Gallery - Robertson
Macquarie University - Dunmore Lang Centre
Northern Suburbs A & H Society - St Ives Show
Pymble Uniting Church Art Exhibition
The Gallery - Kangaroo Valley
Tumut Art Society - Annual Art Exhibition
Woolshed Exhibition and Art Auction, Cardross